Sepsis is rare in children, but if your child is unwell with a bug or infection, is rapidly getting worse and you are worried that their illness seems different to any previous illness, watch your child closely, it could be sepsis.
Sepsis is a rare but serious complication of an infection.
A child may have sepsis if he or she:
- Is breathing very fast
- Has a ‘fit’ or convulsion
- Looks mottled, bluish, or pale
- Has a rash that does not fade when you press it
- Is very lethargic or difficult to wake
- Feels abnormally cold to touch
A child under 5 may have sepsis if he or she:
- Is not feeding
- Is vomiting repeatedly
- Has not passed urine for 12 hours
If your child is unwell with either a fever or very low temperature (or has had a fever in the last 24 hours), call 999 and just ask: could it be sepsis?
For more information visit or
This leaflet provides further advice on how to spot sepsis in children.